Our Vision

It takes many hands to weave a cloth of colours, threads woven together, creating a strong and vibrant tapestry that speaks of a community rich in culture, heritage and experience. This is the SOPCA vision. SOPCA was created in 2009 to bring together families from all corners to Peel Region. Families in all its form, who in anyway identify with Tamil culture, language or origin. Many relate to the identity of being Tamil despite having no direct link to the origin, language or culture, for this is an identity born of who we are as a group and as an individual in that group. These are the threads in the tapestry that needs all to realize its full potential. SOPCA exists as the means to realize this tapestry, unique to Peel region, based on the solid foundation of a Tamil identity in any terms chosen by the individual, expressed by the family, coming together to form community, supporting eachother in realizing success for all.

Board of Directors

  • Yaaleni Vijayakumar


  • Thevany Narayanamoorthy

    Vice President

  • Ruvinka Srishanmugathasan

    Vice President

  • Kulasegaram Chelliah


  • Nela Ratnam

    Assistant Treasurer

  • Nelani Krishinakumar


  • Gapilan Nicholas

    Assistant Secretary

  • Kularajini Kulasegaram


  • Subhashini Earasi


  • Deisiga Santhakumar


  • Ranjithamathi Sivapatham


  • Kavitha Arulrajh


  • Thaksha Balanathan


  • Abilas Chandiramohan


Former Presidents

  • P. Kulendran

    President from 2009-2010

  • A. Jesuthasan

    President from 2010-2015

  • V. Senthooran

    President from 2015-2017

  • K. Aravinthan

    President from 2017-2020